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The Surety & Fidelity Association of America
SFAA is a trade association of more than 425 insurance companies that write 98 percent of surety and fidelity bonds in the U.S. SFAA is licensed as a rating or advisory organization in all states and it has been designated by state insurance departments as a statistical agent for the reporting of fidelity and surety experience.

National Association of Surety Bond Producers
Founded in 1942, NASBP is the association of and resource for surety bond producers and allied professionals. NASBP members specialize in providing surety bonds for construction contracts and other purposes to companies and individuals needing the assurance offered by surety bonds.

California Surety Federation
CSF is a proactive organization made up of approximately 30 California independent surety agent/brokers and surety carriers. The purpose of the organization is to represent the interests of the surety community before the Legislature and regulatory agencies. Changes in California law can often be very complicated and fast-paced. Surety carriers, agents and brokers can, on occasion, be caught by surprise by a change in some regulation or state law that will cost their clients time and expense. CSF represents the interests of the surety industry in the State Capitol. We provide the latest information on recent law changes but more importantly, our activities allow the surety industry to focus our collective resources to affect the outcome of legislation before it becomes a problem for the industry. In addition to protecting the industry from unworkable proposed laws, CSF has sponsored numerous legislative proposals aimed at improving the surety industry in California.